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Trust For Wildlife Nature Camp

A free Summer Day Camp offering nature education and field observation and study to local children in Southern Vermont, taking place on TFW's Halifax Sanctuary

Halifax, Vermont

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Birds indicate the overall health of our natural world, and their existence is currently threatened by habitat destruction, fragmentation and climate change.


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Common Yellowthroat

Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Baltimore Oriole

TFW Land Conservation Sanctuaries and Current Partnership Projects

Early Successional Habitat Creation Project - Green Mt National Forest

A project to restore natural habitats to early successional species. In collaboration with the The United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service & Green Mountain National Forest

Bennington, Rutland, Windham and Windsor Counties, Vermont

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Trust For Wildlife Arlington Nature Sanctuary

A biologically diverse wooded area with a significant wetland corridor. Listed as a hotspot for bird sightings by Cornell Lab of Ornithology's ebird. 

Arlington, Vermont


"All these different green spots are connected. That's what carries the entire planet." Above, Twan Leenders, president of the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History, shares his wonder of nature and the conservation projects put forward by the Roger Tory Peterson Institute in collaboration with Trust For Wildlife, with the aim of keeping our forests healthy and connected for the life of migratory birds, and all life on Earth. 


Trust For Wildlife Furnace Brook Sanctuary

Furnace Brook is a class two trout stream, with forested land surrounding containing "ancient" trees. This 33 acre preserve extends 80 acres of nature trails owned by Mount Anthony Middle School.

Bennington, Vermont

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If the bird populations are robust, the overall ecosystem is at a healthy balance. At present, thousands of birds are facing extinction, and hundreds of species are showing rapid decline in their populations. This has all been tied to the loss of their habitats. 



Where there were once healthy forests, there are now condos, shopping malls and parking lots. The habitats of birds across our country and the string of sanctuaries along their migratory route are rapidly disappearing.

The energetic Ruby-throated Hummingbird for example, only weighing a few ounces, migrates from New England to as far as the South American rainforest. When this tiny fragile bird is reaching day’s end and seeks shelter in a tree but can find none, it may never reach its destination. The string of stops along a hummingbird's migratory route enable their migration and allow these and many other amazing birds to exist.

Healthy habitats in the Caribbean, Mexico and southward, a string of sanctuaries and lots of safe space in Canada and the United States are necessary for Neotropical migrant birds to carry on. Keeping our forest, wetland and shore habitats healthy and connected through restoration and conservation is a key goal for the survival of threatened and endangered species, as well as for stabilizing populations of birds in the United States and Canada.

Trust for Wildlife is collaborating with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History to further promote our goals and initiatives that complement these critical projects.

Trust For Wildlife Halifax Nature Sanctuary

This preserve contains 100 acres of woodland and 15 acres of open field containing a small Summer cabin, which serves as a Nature Education Center. Trust For Wildlife hosts a free nature camp here every Summer for kids in Vermont.

Halifax, Vermont


Copyright 2024 © Trust For Wildlife. Trust For Wildlife is a 501(c)(3) organization.

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